I’m Erick Giorgio, Passionate Software Engineer || Player || Husband || Son || Dad

I’m Erick Giorgio, Passionate Software Engineer || Player || Husband || Son || Dad

Passionate developer.Post graduated in Web Application Development at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais I have experience in web development with:

  • PHP (Zend, Laravel)
  • JAVA, Springboot, quarkus
  • kotlin
  • Database MySql, mongoDB, Oracle, Redis, DynamoDb
  • git version control,
  • Managing composer, Maven, npm dependencies
  • Cloud AWS
  • Linux
  • Docker, kubernetes
  • Javascript, JQuery, angular, vue, HTML, typscript, node (Web Standards) and CSS
  • Software testing, PhpUnit, pestphp, Junit, Mockito, rest-assured, Junit, AssertJ, jest
  • Web search engine Apache Lucene Solr, elastic search, algolia.
  • Development of reports with jasperreports and ireport.
  • Agile methodologies and practices, Scrum, kanban, design sprint, lean inception
  • Design Patterns and Best Practices, SOLID, Software Testing, Design patterns, CQRS, Event-Driven